MRS Solution Enablers

Key Industry Challenges

  • End-to-End Turnkey Project Management with sub-projects & outsource tasks tracking
  • Bid Management to Work Breakdown System (WBS) definition till project won
  • Detailed Attribute driven inventory analysis
  • Project Wise-Subcontracting, Tracking & Handling automated workflows
  • Material Resource Planning to support accurate Production and meet Customer Delivery Schedule defined Project margins
  • Project Costing and realization analysis based on actual material expenses, Other Expenses & Net Revenue
  • Quality tracking for Inbound, Processing andOutbound materials
  • PEB manufacturing, quantify engineering scrap, process loss and process scrap
  • Fully Integrated with Barcode, Weigh bridge and Weigh scale equipments

Key Industry Challenges

  • Complex end-end project management to meet the customer demand at least cost
  • Accurate inventory visibility across multiple profiles, colours and specs
  • Customer project wise status visibility
  • Manage complex business models of job work, subcontract, trading

Customer Benefits

  • Customer project wise costing and revenue control to ensure project profitability
  • Meet complex customer delivery needs
  • Take your business on mobile and improve efficiency and speed
  • Manage complex business models of job work, subcontract, trading

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9