MRM Solution Enablers

Key Industry Challenges

  • Maximize utilization of slab, plate and bars
  • Built in tracking from scrap to TMT
  • Multi-step scheduling for both MTO/MTS
  • Detailed Attribute driven inventory analysis
  • Inventory control by multiple UOM and Pc
  • Order status visibility across stages with metals specific MRP ,ATP of RM,SFG and FG
  • Quality tracking for Inbound, Processing and Outbound materials
  • Downgrading, Diversion and Swapping
  • Quantify Engineering Scrap, Process Loss and Process Scrap Management
  • Finished Goods product costing and realization analysis based on actual input batch, scrap valuation including process loss
  • Profit centre & Cost centre wise accounting and reporting
  • Fully Integrated with Barcode, Weigh bridge and Weigh scale equipments

Key Industry Challenges

  • Competitive market demands maximize utilization of input material with min loss
  • Accurate and real time inventory visibility and traceability across operations
  • Handling multiple unit of measures and lots
  • Manage complex business models of jobwork, subcontract, trading

Customer Benefits

  • Maximize yield, minimize scrap and realize better profit margins
  • Minimize NCO, downgrading & diversions
  • Take your business on mobile and improveefficiency and speed
  • Manage complex business models of job work, subcontract, trading

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9