Key Challenges in Building Materials Industry

The day to day of building material distribution could give Einstein a headache, and there’s precious little time to worry about next year. Covalsys simplifies the here-and-now, so you can manage your business, and not just your operations.

When faced any of these challenges, a homogeneous , powerful enterprise software is the solution

  • Sustainability & Efficiency
  • Stagnant Productivity Levels
  • Technology Adoption
  • Complex Sales & Distribution System

Building Materials Industry

Running a successful commercial building material and product company means managing complexity in a fast-paced and unforgiving environment. A  supplier who can streamline vendor management, customer service, product delivery, and inventory management can gain a significant advantage in the market and potentially realize a massive improvement to the bottom line.

Covalsys’s building materials solution is focused on understanding and addressing the business challenges that are being faced in the commercial building materials industry – from streamlining headcount requirements to avoiding transactional mismanagement that can erode profitability.  Our solution is designed to give you a competitive edge and help you gain control over your operations.

The Covalsys ‘Value’

Domain leadership with 40+ years of experience in implementing large scale digital transformation across the entire value from raw materials till end products

  • Attributed Inventory
  • Complex scheduling and optimization capabilities
  • Industry ready vertical addons on robust platforms for quick ROI
  • Proven templates and process to ensure value delivered

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